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Oxygen Medicine:

Antibiotics: Antibiotics are not our most Effective Weapon Against Fighting Disease


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Antibiotics are not our most Effective Weapon Against Fighting Disease

They're just the most profitable for drug companies right now!


However, we already possess an alternative that can blast all the diseases mentioned above and many more to kingdom come. It's safe, backed by decades of solid research, and boy is it ever cheap. You can buy it at drugstores everywhere for 65¢ a bottle.



So what is this amazing miracle-in-a-bottle?

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Go ahead and laugh if you like, but what follows is no joke:



DID YOU KNOW that your own white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide?

Yes they do. Lots of it.




Because that's how they kill invading germs. It's your body's first and best defense against any infection. Kills bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites - all the bad guys.



Look it up. (Try the Encyclopedia Britannica website. Check the info on 'granulocytes.'See? I told you so.)




The hydrogen peroxide molecule (H202) is basically water (H20) with an extra oxygen atom attached. When that oxygen gets released against germs, it 'oxidizes' them. Poof, they're goners.



And here's some more of what you'll learn in your FREE BONUS GIFTS:

IT WAS BACK IN 1920 that two English doctors in India tried using hydrogen peroxide to stop a pneumonia epidemic. It worked . Patients on the edge of death bounced back to life.


YEARS LATER, THE THERAPY WAS PERFECTED by Charles H. Farr, M.D., P.H.D. He was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.


IN THE 1960s, DOCTORS AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY proved its safety and effectiveness against many diseases, including such improbable candidates as cancer and hardening of the arteries.


I'VE USED IT IN MY OWN PRACTICE to treat patients suffering from all manner of maladies from influenza and colds to cases of emphysema. It works fast. It works safely. It works, period. And this shockingly cheap therapy was a REAL HEALTH MIRACLE for my patients in Africa, where the ungodly high cost of drugs condemns millions to death every year.



So how do drug companies get away with selling expensive antibiotics, when we've got this stuff that's nearly free?

... ... ...












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so that you can broaden your health education and options. Please consult your physician before considering any therapy.